I remember loving to have snow on Christmas day as a child. Also, I remember that it snowed almost every year on Christmas Day. However, looking back at the historical data, they “claim” that it only happens here about one out of every ten years. Someone’s memory is wrong and I would like to think it is theirs!

This year didn’t disappoint though. We had about 2.5″ – 3″ of snow last night that laid on everything. It had started out as rain and then the temperatures dropped, so there was a coating of ice underneath. That made driving treacherous this morning, so mom and I didn’t get to go to the family gathering at my niece’s as planned. We’ll just have to go to each separate household at a later date. I was able to walk to mom’s and spend some time with her, eating a sandwich and working on a jigsaw puzzle for a while.

As you know, Tippy loves the snow. Even though the temperature was 18°F, I wrapped up good and took her for a walk into the neighbor’s field. Now that is love! 😉

I thought you might enjoy a few pictures. It was gorgeous. As always, the pictures don’t do it justice.

Look how pretty, mom.

I love the reflections in the neighbor’s pond when it snows.

The pond near my house
The pond from a different angle

Tip of the day: If you have on a coat with a hood, but don’t have the hood on, and you walk under snow covered tree branches, DO NOT put your hood on when the wind starts blowing.


I’ve been away for a while. No real reason. Just life in general. I keep thinking that I will post more, as Tippy always seems to be doing something you might be interested in, but then time gets away from me and it just doesn’t get done. I am in awe of all of you that manage to blog every day.

Anyway, I do have some news that I wanted to share. I have had an aortic root aneurysm for three years. The doctors were watching it, and it was stable – not growing. My last CT scan showed that it has grown to the point that it will require surgical repair. In preparation for the surgery, I had to have a heart catheterization last Monday. They said my heart was strong and no blockages, so surgery can be scheduled. They have not set the date yet.

I have been following doctor’s orders and resting, no heavy lifting, etc. Tippy is a great help at that.

I like this show mom. Can we skip the commercials though?

For now, I am just waiting and trying to get some things done in preparation for being laid up for a couple of months. I have made arrangements for my dog behaviorist to keep Tippy while I am in the hospital and for at least a week after I get out. I will really miss her, but feel it is the best for both of us.

I will try, once again, to share more. They do say that you only fail when you quit trying. So, I’m not a blogging failure, yet. 😉


Our neighbors decided on the spur of the moment to take a trip to see their elderly relatives.  They asked me if I would be willing to come to their house a few times and let their new puppy out to go to the bathroom and feed her while they were gone.  I told them I would rather bring her home and keep her until they got back.  They were fine with that, but a little bit afraid that the two dogs would not get along.  I assured them that Tippy loves puppies and is really good with them.  So, they agreed.

I brought her home with her crate, food, toys, blanket, etc.  As I was unloading the car, they called and, unfortunately, their little girl started feeling sick and had a high fever.  So, the trip was cancelled.  I asked to keep her for about an hour for a play date so that she and Tippy could get used to each other, in case they needed me to keep her in the future.

Her name is Esther Pearl.  She is a Labrador/Husky mix.

Esther Pearl
Esther Pearl

The initial meeting was while Tippy was tied out, just in case. They were fine, as I knew they would be, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.  Then we went on a walk into another neighbor’s pasture field.  They did great.  Tippy basically did her thing, but would stop and wait for us to catch up.  Esther just walked along on leash, not pulling at all.  I think she really enjoyed it.

When we got back, Tippy got a drink from the spigot and I gave Esther water in her bowl.  It was then they decided to greet each other, face to face, or should I say nose to nose.

nose to nose
Pleased to meet you.

We came inside to rest.  I had to laugh at the way they laid down at first.  Then, they took turns going over to each other, giving a play bow, and letting out a playful bark.  They never quite got to the point of actually playing together, but I felt it was a good start.

face off
I like you, but not sure how close I want to be yet.

Esther loved to get a drink out of Tippy’s inside bowl.  She’d take a couple of sips, explore, and then go back for a little more.  I guess because it was something new.  She decided her favorite place to go was on the bottom shelf of the end table in the above picture.  Needless to say, the pictures had to be moved.  LOL

She spent a lot of time laying under the chair I was sitting in.  Tippy was just a tiny bit jealous, I think, because when Esther would lay down there, she would come over and nudge my hand to be petted.

under chair
This looks like a nice, safe place to rest.

I think it was a great first meeting and hope we will do more play dates in the near future.  It will be good for both of them.





This week has been pretty much run of the mill.  It rained a few days, so a lot of Tippy’s time was spent napping.  We did take off the trash and drove over to drop some stuff off at the Post Office.  She always enjoys a ride, no matter where to or how far we go.

We were able to take a few walks into the neighbor’s pasture.  The most interesting wildlife we found was this little frog.  It’s a Northern Cricket Frog, so named because of the noise it makes.  They are apparently fairly abundant, but I had never seen one before.  Had it not jumped in front of me, I would have missed this one.   In the “far away” picture he is at about 2 o’clock from the buttercup.  Do you see it?  It has great camouflage.

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We’re almost sure that Tippy has some Australian Shepherd in her, so she likes to herd.  I am always concerned when we go into the pasture and see the cows.  She will usually take a run toward them, growl, and move on.  I think she does it just to get a rise out of me.  The cows know she is harmless, so will usually just stand there and look at her.

The last couple of times we have seen them she just walks right on by like they aren’t there.

May I help you?

tippy and the cows
Cows? What cows? I don’t see any cows?

It has been hot out, when it’s not raining.  Tippy and I aren’t ready for it to be humid and over 80°F.  After our walk today, she plopped down in her favorite spot to cool off…the kitchen tile.  I was tempted to join her.

Tippy cooling 2
It was hot out there mom!

We hope you make interesting discoveries and have fun adventures in the week to come.




This week Tippy turned seven.  At least we think she did.  Since she is a rescue and was found in a ditch with her sister, the exact birth date isn’t known.  My veterinarian estimated May 13th, so that is the day we celebrate.

It’s hard to believe that she is seven already! On the one hand, it doesn’t feel like I have had her very long. On the other, I feel like I’ve always had her.  She still has the energy of a puppy, with the maturity that comes with adulthood.  Well, sometimes she forgets how to adult and just runs around, getting clumps of the lawn in her mouth, and ignoring me when I try to get her to stop. I think we all need to have those days when we throw caution to the wind.

It’s been a good birthday week for her.  I have been home most of the week, so we took plenty of walks/runs back in the pasture field.  On one walk to get the mail, we found this little guy on the side of the driveway.  Do you see him in the first picture?  He was very well camouflaged.

Then, this guy was sunning on the fence post when I closed the gate one night.  I was just glad he was practicing social distancing and didn’t jump on me for a hug or something.  He was just curious as to what I was doing.  He had zero fear.

We also had a birthday picture shoot in the daisy patch where my garden once was.  I noticed some daises out there a couple of years ago that I let go to seed.  Did the same thing the next year and this is the result.  They are my mom’s favorite flower.  I was amazed at how many there are.  The patch is just beautiful.  Pictures don’t do it justice.

Yes. This is my domain. Any questions?

I love these flowers. I hear they are my grandma’s favorites.

Did you see that mom?

I saw a rabbit take off right after I snapped this last picture.  Normally, Tippy would give chase, so I was really surprised when she just started sniffing around.  I got closer to her to try to get another picture when I heard it.  A little squeak.  Yep. She had found the rabbit’s nest and had the baby in her mouth.  It was too late, so I left and let nature take it’s course.  I hate it when she does that, but I know it is instinct and it’s not like the rabbits are in any danger of becoming extinct any time soon.  There are sooooo many around here.

She did get presents for her birthday.   First, I sang Happy Birthday.  I’m not sure what she thinks of my singing abilities.  She just knew something was different and she was going to get a treat when I was done.

Why does your voice sound so funny?

I got her a puppy cupcake and a new duck squeaky toy.  I’m pretty sure the cupcake was a hit.  What do you think?

First we practiced patience.

Come on mom! Let me have it already.

She had a hard time getting that first bite.  It kept rolling away from her.

This is going to be so good.

She made a mess, but cleaned up every last bit.

Good to the last crumb.

She is really not a big fan of toys, but seems to like this one.  She just couldn’t find the squeaker.

Why can’t I make it squeak like you did?

We had a great week and are looking forward to many more together.

We hope you are all staying safe and have a great week full of fun adventures to share with those you love.



Today’s walk back in the cow pasture was a little bit more exciting than most.  As we started out, Tippy stopped, gave a serious look, ears back, and took off running as fast as she could.  I was expecting to see the usual squirrel, rabbit, turkey, or deer.  Nope.  It was a racoon!  Not sure why it was out at 3:00 in the afternoon.  It didn’t look or act sick, so maybe it knew a storm was brewing for the night and it needed to get something to eat before it hit.  Here is a stock picture of a racoon, in case they aren’t indigenous in your part of the world.

Raccoon feeding on food provided caretakers at Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.
I think they are sort of cute.

Fortunately, trees were nearby and it managed to outrun Tippy to the nearest one and scurry up.

Do you see it?  It was well camouflaged.

racoon in tree
Shew. I’m glad dogs can’t climb trees!


I’ll help you out in case you can’t.

Racoon in the tree
There it is.

Tippy did eventually leave it alone and followed me on back into the hills.  It was long gone by the time we got back.

We also found interesting insects and spiders on some daisies.  The spiders are the Goldenrod Spider which feed on insects that land on the flowers.  They are very well camouflaged too.

To top it off, Tippy either ran through the edge of the pond looking for the racoon, or just waded in to get a drink, but she was pretty nasty from the belly down when we got home.  After getting a drink, she got rinsed off before being allowed in the house.

muddy paws waiting for a drink
Muddy paws? I don’t see any muddy paws?

After that adventure, what was there to do except take a nap on the cool kitchen tile.

cooling it in the kitchen
Awww. That feels soooo goooood!

Did you have any exciting adventures today?


When I first brought Tippy home, almost 7 years ago, I filled her water bowl up from the faucet outside the garage.  When she got thirsty again that day, she walked right up the faucet and looked at me, expectantly.  I turned on the faucet and she started drinking straight the spigot.  She has been doing that ever since.

I need a drink!

One of the things I have taught her is to “Say Please” when she wants a drink – that is to sit politely and wait.  One reason I want her to do that is that the sun shines on that area of the garage and the first bit of water coming out can be hot.

May I have a drink, please?

This past summer I had to have my air conditioner worked on.  The man finished, and was standing at the door of his truck righting up the bill when Tippy decided she wanted a drink.  I said, “Say please.” like I always do, without thinking about it.

I noticed the repairman move and the look on his face was priceless.  It was a “Say what?” moment.

shocked look
Umm. Just exactly what do I need to be asking for politely?

I don’t know what was going through his head, but I’m pretty sure he thought I was telling him to say please for some netherious reason.  He did immediately realize I was talking to Tippy, but I had a good laugh about it after he left.

I have since been more mindful of my surrounds when giving Tippy commands.



Wow!  It’s been almost a year since I’ve posted anything.  I knew it had been a long time, but that just doesn’t seem possible.  Everything is okay, I just got bogged down with work and everyday things. I’m not working right now, so you would think I would have all the time in the world, but I don’t.  I still feel like I have so many things to do that I’ll never get caught up.

I find I put off blogging because my internet service is very slow and sometimes sporadic, so it can take a lot of time to upload photos. There is talk that the electric company will start providing broadband soon, or at least they are looking into it.  If they do, I hope it’s faster than what I am getting now with the  phone company.  I don’t have cable, so that isn’t an option.  I even tried to get satellite internet, but they came out and said there are too many trees around so I can’t get a clear line of site to their satellite.

In January, I signed up the the Air Force Half Marathon.  It is supposed to take place on September 19th.  I hope things have opened back up by then.  I’m doing okay with my training. One day last week I decided to try running the path that Tippy and I walk on in the neighbor’s field.  It was a nice, slow run and a lot more fun that doing laps on my driveway. Here are a couple of pictures of the area.

Tippy ran with me the first lap, but I didn’t see her again until I was finished.  This is what I saw when I came through the fence.

One happy dog.

Our neighbor had a cow die.  He didn’t bury it quite deep enough, so something dug it up and left this bone behind.  She has had several others over the last couple of weeks.  She enjoys them and they are keeping her teeth clean.

That’s it for now.  I have a couple of funny things that have happened over the past year that I will post about soon.

Tippy and I hope you are all staying safe and healthy and have a great rest of the day!