July 11th marked 4 years since I brought Tippy home from the local humane society.  It seems like it was yesterday, but also feels like she has always been here.  I can’t imagine my life without her.

The day started off with a continuation of the cow saga as I found them out again.  Tippy “defended” the house while I made sure they got back into the pasture field.  Later that day, my neighbor and dad were able to find out where they had gotten out and added some fencing.  So far, knock on wood, they have stayed where they belong.

Cow and bull in the garden
But, this grass is greener!

We took our normal 20 minute walk fairly early, before it got unbearably hot.  Tippy cooled off in the garage while I continued walking the driveway to get in 30 minutes of exercise. The fireplace hearth seemed to be the best place to finish cooling off before taking a much needed nap.

To celebrate her adoption day, I gave her a peanut butter/carob Puppy Sucker.

Puppy sucker
Puppy Sucker treat for Tippy.

She heard the cellophane crinkling – the universal signal that a treat is coming, and was very excited about whatever it was I had behind my back.

waiting for the sucker
I know you have something for me, mom.

When I first gave it to her, she wasn’t sure what it was.  However, it didn’t take her long to realize it was food and figure out how to eat it.  It was gone in 3…2…1, literally.  Once she got it in her mouth,  it was totally gone in 3 minutes.


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To top off the day, she went with me to play tennis and made some new friends.

It was pretty much a perfect day.  One with a little excitement, some exercise, a good long nap, a special treat, and a car ride!  It doesn’t get much better than that for Tippy!


On Thursday, I was in the house and heard Tippy barking.  I went out to see what she had found.  I tried to follow her gaze down the hill, but didn’t see anything.  I did hear something big walking, so I went over to the edge of the woods to get a better look.  That’s when I saw it.  A big, black bull.  What in the world was it doing on that steep hill?

I got Tippy inside while I put my shoes on so I could chase it back to where it belonged.  Before I got back outside, it had disappeared.  I tried to get Tippy to help me find it, but she decided laying on the concrete was a better option.  I never did see it again, but did follow it’s tracks for a distance down through the woods.

Mom and dad later checked and all of the cows that were supposed to be in the field were there.  They put up a piece of wire where they thought it had probably gotten out.

Take two.  Today, I was sitting outside, reading, and Tippy started barking.  I looked up and this is what I saw.

Tippy and the bull
Mom. Look what’s up on the hill. He’s huge!

He was back and had brought a friend…..a cow.  Again, by the time I put my shoes on, they were gone.  But, this time, I followed their tracks and heard them smashing through the woods, back down the hill.  Where they went down was really steep and had some fallen trees, so I really don’t know how they managed to make the trek and not get hurt.  We still can’t figure out why they have decided to climb this big hill.  They have plenty of food and water where they are and there is nothing to eat in the woods.  Maybe they are just adventuresome and wanted to try out their mountaineering skills.

After all of the excitement was done and the cows were back where they belonged, it was time to relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Tippy and the bull2
Time for a little rest and relaxation.