I follow Sara Ferguson and Choppy’s blog, Travels With Choppy.  Every Friday, she has a  “Where’s Choppy” post with photos of her dog, Choppy, “hiding” in plain sight.  The challenge is to find her.  I enjoy these posts and was reminded of them when I seemed to have my own indoor version of “Where’s Tippy” recently.

The first time I couldn’t find her, we had just gotten back from a walk.  I had sat down at the computer for a few minutes when I decided to check on her.  I looked in all of her normal resting spots.

She wasn’t on the couch, in front of the couch, or on the fireplace hearth.

She wasn’t on the bed, beside of the bed, in the hallway leading to the master bathroom, or on the rug in front of the door leading to the garage.

Just when I was beginning to think that I had lost my mind and she hadn’t come inside with me, I decided to look at one last place, the half bath.  Sure enough, there she was.  It must have been the coolest place in the house that day.

Tippy in small bath
Found her.

A few days later, we had our second version of the game.  I was turning down the bed and realized I hadn’t seen her for a while.  I went searching in all of the above places, but no Tippy.  Then, I noticed that the door to my closet was open more than normal.  I turned the light on and, sure enough, there she was.

Tippy in closet
What are you doing in my closet?

I really have no idea why she was in there, but she seemed relaxed, so I just turned the light back off and left her.  She came out in a couple of hours.  Crazy girl.  Who knows what goes on in her head sometimes?

18 thoughts on “WHERE’S TIPPY

    1. I know that the day she was laying in the half bath, she was just hot and tired and that IS the coolest room in the house. She just hadn’t laid in there before, so I was surprised to find her there. As for the closet, I started thinking about that. She didn’t seem to feel bad, but I did wonder if she might have had a migraine headache, assuming dogs can get migraines. The closet is the darkest and quietest place to be when I have the lights and TV on. I plan to mention it to the vet when I take her for her yearly checkup later this month. I’ll keep an eye on her, just in case there are symptoms of something else going on. Thanks for your concern.

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      1. It is worth keeping an eye on her as this type of withdrawing behaviour often means they are feeling something. It is good you are seeing the vet soon for a check up. I hope she is feeling a bit better now and that the weather is beginning to get a bit cooler. Lots of love to you and Tippy from all of us here ☺💖 xxx

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  1. I had a dog some few years ago ( before Benji) and she could be found laying in the laundry . The laundry, being tiled, was nice and cool and sometimes I think she preferred that coolness rather than the A/C.

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    1. The half bath is tiled and it has it’s own heating/cooling vent. So, it is the coolest room in the house in the summer and the warmest in the winter. I’m sure that’s why she chose to go there to cool off, but, she had never been in there before….without me.


  2. My furbrother Keiko does that all the time! It always worries my humom. Even though our apartment isn’t that big, and there’s no way he could be outside, it’s always a panic when she can’t find him (he’s getting really old so he finds the oddest places to curl up and sleep).

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    1. Glad I could provide good memories and thanks for following my blog. I hope you enjoy it. Also hoping to get time to post a new blog one day this week. Life was very hectic in August.


  3. What a fun idea! Pets do have a tendency to hide in plain sight.
    We once had a cat, who wasn’t allowed to go upstairs because we didn’t want her in the bedrooms. Of course, she occasionally went up anyway, just because she could. But every time she was up there, she’d start meowing really loudly, as if to say: “Heyy, I’m a bad girl!!” It was so funny.

    Kathrin — http://mycupofenglishtea.wordpress.com

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