Our local Lowes is a dog friendly store. I thought they all were, but, after a brief search on-line, that does not seem to be the case.  Apparently, it is up to the local manager.  I am thankful that ours still allow dogs, especially after one of their employees got bitten a few months back. They just changed their policy to encourage their employees to not try to pet the dogs that come in.  They can, but they do it at their own risk.  (Is your local Lowes dog friendly?)

I have taken Tippy there a couple of times with my trainer and once by myself.  She did much better with the trainer.  A couple of days ago, I needed to buy some yard working equipment, so decided to take Tippy with me.  My trainer was unavailable.  It was just me and Tippy.

In an effort to try to lower her energy level, i.e. tire her out, I took her for a walk first.  It was an eventful walk, as she flushed some wild turkeys and I saw a black snake basking in the morning sun.  Tippy found something and ran back toward home with it, as she does when she thinks it is something I don’t want her to have.  I fully expected to see her laying in the yard, chewing on it, when I got back.  But, she was no where to be found.  She came bounding up on the porch about 10 minutes later without her treasure.  I don’t know if she ate it, or buried it for another day.

Then, it was off to Lowes.  I did have to give her a minute to calm down before we went inside, but she did great!  She walked right beside of the cart with very little pulling, never bothered anything on the shelves, and almost let one of the male employees pet her.  (She has issues with men, so that was an improvement.)

We had to wait in line at the checkout.  I looked down and she was just sitting, waiting patiently, and people watching.

waiting patiently at checkout
If I sit here long enough, will we get to go for another ride?

It was a very successful shopping trip and, apparently, a very tiring one.


16 thoughts on “LOWES DAY

    1. Since my ultimate goal is to take trips with Tippy and, potentially, get her certified as a therapy dog, I try to take her to as many places as I can to get her used to just being around people and sounds. I’ve not taken Tippy to a PetSmart yet either. The closest one is an hour drive, so when I go there I am usually going to do some other shopping too. Maybe one day we’ll make the trip just to go there.

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  1. I took Victor to a garden centre once and put him in a shopping cart. He was ok, but confused as to why he was in a cart. I’ll have to do it more often to get him used to it. I once took my cat to Home Depot – long story, in the process of moving – not a great idea. Almost lost her in the parking lot.

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  2. If you have one around you, Tractor Supply lets dogs come in. I learned that the other day. Not all may do it, so a person might want to call and ask ahead of time.
    And strangers really shouldn’t reach out to pet. They might get a real surprise. After all, they are strangers they do not know. And they think they may be protecting you also.

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    1. Yes. I do have a Tractor Supply that allows dogs. They actually have low cost rabies vaccines for pets once a month. I have taken Tippy there before. She did great until someone else’s dog started barking at her. We walked away and she was okay. The other dog’s owners didn’t really try to get it to stop and behave. 😦 Usually, at Lowes, the people will ask if it is okay to pet Tippy before they try. And, they usually know to not just reach out and pet, but to give her time to sniff first. But, you are right, strangers shouldn’t just reach out to pet.

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    1. Thanks. Tippy’s eyes are part of what attracted me to her and not her sister. I used to be more afraid of snakes than I am now. As long as they aren’t near the house, I just leave them alone. If they are near the house, I use a stick and swoosh them down the hill.

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