Last night, we got our first snow of 2017…about 4.5 inches.  It was the kind of snow that lays on everything.  My favorite.

My view when I opened the curtains this morning.

Tippy loves the snow. When I first took her out this morning, she was intent on surveying the “new” surroundings.

Even though it was only 14°F, I decided to take her on our walk before the wind picked up.   She was more than ready.

It’s so pretty mom.

We basically had virgin snow the entire way out, with only a few deer and rabbit tracks to be seen.  I hate leaving my tracks in virgin snow.  I try to walk the same path on the way back, so as to save as much of the purity as possible.

I wanted to get a good picture of Tippy with snow on her nose.  She is the worlds worse to look away just as I snap.  I finally got a decent one.

She was still full of energy after we got back from our 1.1 mile walk/run.  (I walked.  She ran.)

Even after that, she had enough energy to play Frisbee.

This is her kind of weather.  She was out the majority of the day, running around or laying in the sun on the front porch.

We did take another walk in the afternoon.  It started with the half mile round trip to the mail box, where we found the mail person had slid into the ditch right past my box.  It is on a hill that never sees the sun, so was very icy.  She would have probably made it, had she not had to stop to put mail in my box.  When she started back out, she lost traction and in the ditch she went.  It’s a deep ditch, so 2 wheels were up in the air.  She said she was okay and had help on the way.

Tippy ran up to the gate, wanting to walk back in the hills again, so I took her about half of our normal walk.  I was done with the cold.  I think she could have stayed out longer.  I’m beginning to think she is part Husky.


14 thoughts on “SNOW! I LOVE SNOW!

  1. We got a tonne of snow here … again. My terrier ran like mad in it although he prefers tire tracks. However, at the furthest point from home he decided he was done. I have tried and tried to explain to him however far you run in one direction, you have to run back that distance home. Pace himself, he can not.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish we could change things too. I’ll hit send and then see something I misspelled or want to add something else, but you can’t. And, it’s okay about leaving off the s. I often forget which gender some of the pets I comment on are. It’s hard to keep them straight, esp with a generic name like Tippy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Stumbled upon this older post while knocking around your blog.
    It reminds me so much of my late pal, Chuy, who loved-loved-loved the snow.
    I think you’re right about Tippy’s Husky blood, or Malamute or Samoyed. Isn’t that where the blue eye comes from?
    Anyway, she’s a beautiful dog and it is a lovely post.
    Strange to say how a post about snow warmed me so!

    Seek peace,



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